New Girls on the Block

So I found this wonderful show, "New Girls on the Block" there are only 5 episodes in season 1, but I am very hopeful there will be much more. That they have each other for support is uncommon and absolutely fabulous. I don't know how many times I cried for them during my binge watch, it was a lot, they are such strong and wonderful women.
 You need to watch this, this is what your lives can be. It doesn't have to be fear and hiding, putting your hair in your face hopeful you won't be noticed, but then wishing someone would notice you and fall in love.

I'm a non-transitioning transgender, mainly because I don't like my body at all. I don't think I can transition and be happy, I would rather just not be a man at all. Also, I've waited too late in life to do anything about it, waiting until you have the courage is just being a coward your entire life, never taking a risk. I was too concerned with making everyone else happy I suppose. Everyone has their issues, and this is mine. I am a girl, it's hidden within a male penis-y candy shell. It doesn't mean I don't know the feeling of wanting to be noticed, or loved as a woman. These women are inspiring to me, as are many women who have decided to make the change. Give this show a shot, you won't be disappointed.